Connect your bluetooth controller
Create a Trick
Share / import your tricks
You can share your tricks to friends that also have a SoundsReal licence. It will create a zip file containing with every audio files and actions you added to your trick. Use the import trick feature; select the zip file and the trick will be available instantly.
This feature can also be usefull to save your own tricks or import it on another device.
Add an audio
Crop an audio file
In the audio screen you can select the “edit audio” feature (pen icon). From there it is possible to crop your audio file precisly from the start or the end of the audio. You can update or undo the crop whenever you want.
Pin app feature
SoundsReal contains a pin app feature accessible from the setting screen. You might want to use this feature to ensure you that the app won’t be closed while performing. On Android it will pin the app so you can’t close the app without doing a specific pattern with your back button (Android will display how to do it). On iOS you can use Guided Access to pin the app, everything is explained while you activate the feature in the SoundsReal.
Performance Mode screen – Playing your Tricks
The Performance Mode screen is where you can play your Tricks. I recommend you to use a blueooth controller (pure BLE or volume / “selfie” controller) to launch your trick. You can find every informations about it on the Controller explanation page.
This screen allows you to play your Tricks by launching one after the other the actions from these Tricks. Every actions played will be displayed so you can visually know where you are exactly.
Actions explained
You can add as many actions as you want for each tricks you have created.
Trick examples (with free audios and tricks actions)
Complete closeup demo performed live – A SoundsReal closeup performance
This section gives you some trick examples that you can do with SoundsReal. Don’t hesitate to contact me to share your tricks, I would love to see it.
1. Toast
Trick configuration :
This trick simulate the sound of two glasses clinking. You can tell a person of your audience to take an “imaginary” glass in his hand and simulate the fact that you toast with him. The delay and vibration at the beginning of the trick is set to synchronize your story with the moment the glass *ting* sound will appear.
2. Can opening